I have a question about selling my prints

Hello there.

I recently became a supporter tier patron. I know that I can sell my prints, but I’d like to know if I can do the same with the rest of the models on your other platforms, such as Printables or MyMiniFactory.

One of the reasons why I became a patron is that I really liked models like Darth Vader, Superman, Deadpool, Jon Snow, etc… And don’t see them around here.

I asked the same question over a month ago and still haven’t gotten an answer

I think that the rules in Eastman’s description is pretty clear about the fact you can sell or do whatever you want with your prints. I would assume that applies to any and all models he has in his patron acount. If he has other models in other platforms, the rules would be different in other platforms. Hopefully Eastman himself can clarify this for us.

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I was selling the Zombie Superman on Etsy, and got shut down for Intellectual Property Violations. Just a word of caution.

Interesting, I wonder why. Did you dispute it? Show that the artist has permitted the sell of your prints?

Yes, I did. They said that they owned the likeness, and even though it is fan art, selling it infringes on their IP.

Ohh I was wondering if you would say that after I replied. I didn’t think Eastman side would be problem but soft if figured it may be the copyright holders.

Unfortunately when it comes to selling online is hard since companies can do that based on copyrights. Even artists like Eastman had to remove content due to such actions.

However, you should still be able sell your prints. Just not commercially or online once they strike you. But you can still sell it on public marketplaces.

I would keep selling other items if able and stop when asked to.

Have you tried selling on marketplaces? Just wondering.

I’m currently exploring the possibilities of trying to sell some of my prints here and there well, but I know it’s not as easy as it sounds.

So I’m thinking marketplaces could be a good option?

Sorry for the late reply. I have sold several through private showings and such. No response really from Marketplace. I should try again…

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Yes, just keep selling whatever you can until you get called out. If you go to markets like art galleries or flea markets, you should be good to sell whatever. Keep it on the low inventory. Otherwise hand them to someone who is willing to take to places like that. Hopefully you can figure out a way to move them if you want to. Like I said, I would like to try something like that.

Best of luck!

Yip. That’s what I do now.

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